  1. 0
2023-03-19 20:46.48: New job: Build Dockerfile using linux-x86_64 in
                                [ (f0c7246e56c7197a82445d147f6bcb1ec870bba6)]
2023-03-19 20:46.48: Will push staging image to ocurrentbuilder/
2023-03-19 20:46.48: Using cache hint ""
2023-03-19 20:46.48: Waiting for resource in pool OCluster
2023-03-19 20:46.48: Waiting for worker…
2023-03-19 20:46.57: Got resource from pool OCluster
Building on
All commits already cached
Submodule path 'ocluster': checked out 'c8d092f0d0c01253a9199b94465f00f1dcbbe94d'
Submodule path 'ocurrent': checked out '53fd3263d04407df6b7a627abe85667d011c0060'
HEAD is now at f0c7246 Added tunbury/caddy-rfc2136
Synchronising submodule url for 'ocluster'
Synchronising submodule url for 'ocurrent'
Cleared directory 'ocluster'
Submodule 'ocluster' ( unregistered for path 'ocluster'
Cleared directory 'ocurrent'
Submodule 'ocurrent' ( unregistered for path 'ocurrent'
Submodule 'ocluster' ( registered for path 'ocluster'
Submodule 'ocurrent' ( registered for path 'ocurrent'
Submodule path 'ocluster': checked out 'c8d092f0d0c01253a9199b94465f00f1dcbbe94d'
Submodule path 'ocluster/obuilder': checked out '7015f4f00ac5183c70b27d044e8582b6c33105bd'
Submodule path 'ocurrent': checked out '53fd3263d04407df6b7a627abe85667d011c0060'
Sending build context to Docker daemon  1.723MB

Step 1/24 : FROM ocaml/opam:debian-11-ocaml-4.14@sha256:5ec0c5418a519972b9a856c8500335a39e255a830a653b45deac1b49d9d0149e AS build Pulling from ocaml/opam
Digest: sha256:5ec0c5418a519972b9a856c8500335a39e255a830a653b45deac1b49d9d0149e
Status: Image is up to date for ocaml/opam:debian-11-ocaml-4.14@sha256:5ec0c5418a519972b9a856c8500335a39e255a830a653b45deac1b49d9d0149e
 ---> ee994e4b2975
Step 2/24 : RUN sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libev-dev m4 pkg-config libsqlite3-dev libgmp-dev libssl-dev capnproto graphviz -y --no-install-recommends
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 40c04acc7d69
Step 3/24 : RUN cd ~/opam-repository && git fetch -q origin master && git reset --hard 99c704701437f5a9674b58cc5fbbb593653d0a3a && opam update
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e7e7623b4bff
Step 4/24 : COPY --chown=opam 	ocurrent/current_docker.opam 	ocurrent/current_github.opam 	ocurrent/current_git.opam 	ocurrent/current.opam 	ocurrent/current_rpc.opam 	ocurrent/current_slack.opam 	ocurrent/current_ssh.opam 	ocurrent/current_web.opam 	/src/ocurrent/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 3765630d04f7
Step 5/24 : COPY --chown=opam         ocluster/*.opam         /src/ocluster/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 633422f2fe00
Step 6/24 : WORKDIR /src
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 60d8930ed15c
Step 7/24 : RUN opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocurrent" &&     opam pin add -yn "./ocluster"
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 2d1f8b57ed94
Step 8/24 : COPY --chown=opam deployer.opam /src/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 1e284e0af916
Step 9/24 : RUN opam pin -yn add .
 ---> Using cache
 ---> a12ea1b034aa
Step 10/24 : RUN opam install -y --deps-only .
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 3a5a87a34a32
Step 11/24 : ADD --chown=opam . .
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 073ddd174098
Step 12/24 : RUN opam config exec -- dune build ./_build/install/default/bin/ocurrent-deployer
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 2be71676d145
Step 13/24 : FROM debian:11
11: Pulling from library/debian
Digest: sha256:f81bf5a8b57d6aa1824e4edb9aea6bd5ef6240bcc7d86f303f197a2eb77c430f
Status: Image is up to date for debian:11
 ---> 72b624312240
Step 14/24 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install libffi-dev libev4 openssh-client curl gnupg2 dumb-init git graphviz libsqlite3-dev ca-certificates netbase rsync awscli -y --no-install-recommends
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 68d1ef399ce2
Step 15/24 : RUN curl -fsSL | apt-key add -
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 52f9a1991826
Step 16/24 : RUN echo 'deb [arch=amd64] bullseye stable' >> /etc/apt/sources.list
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 9b2fca08efeb
Step 17/24 : RUN apt-get update && apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin -y --no-install-recommends
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 72f9a0586b78
Step 18/24 : RUN curl -L | sh
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 5979eb34f7cf
Step 19/24 : WORKDIR /var/lib/ocurrent
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 3d5208e40cac
Step 20/24 : ENTRYPOINT ["dumb-init", "/usr/local/bin/ocurrent-deployer"]
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 20a938b7de68
Step 21/24 : COPY config/ssh /root/.ssh
 ---> Using cache
 ---> dc3b96fa441a
Step 22/24 : COPY config/docker /root/.docker
 ---> Using cache
 ---> b28166dec972
Step 23/24 : RUN docker context use default
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e0ac38b2ea70
Step 24/24 : COPY --from=build /src/_build/install/default/bin/ocurrent-deployer /usr/local/bin/
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e56ac94344f8
Successfully built e56ac94344f8
Pushing "sha256:e56ac94344f86754e3752913f5305c5f8dbcea46b788a03fd07ef37677fc7bba" to "ocurrentbuilder/" as user "ocurrentbuilder"
Login Succeeded
The push refers to repository []
fdcba16d8bc6: Preparing
a543f36c8e39: Preparing
8a624ccb1593: Preparing
7f2a199aeba0: Preparing
e8318cb01d12: Preparing
b4d4de3516c0: Preparing
e4365017f373: Preparing
718649e3bbc1: Preparing
02be9c9a761f: Preparing
cf2e8433dbf2: Preparing
b4d4de3516c0: Waiting
718649e3bbc1: Waiting
02be9c9a761f: Waiting
cf2e8433dbf2: Waiting
e4365017f373: Waiting
7f2a199aeba0: Pushed
a543f36c8e39: Pushed
8a624ccb1593: Pushed
e4365017f373: Pushed
718649e3bbc1: Pushed
cf2e8433dbf2: Layer already exists
fdcba16d8bc6: Pushed
e8318cb01d12: Pushed
b4d4de3516c0: Pushed
02be9c9a761f: Pushed digest: sha256:99ce04c535b46ac05ed631836a20b0d536e7f58e3fdf0bdf940193f11cebfd48 size: 2417
Job succeeded
2023-03-19 20:47.45: Job succeeded